[ESC] #2 Shop Bundle
80.00 EUR
40.00 EUR
[ESC] Full Shop Bundle 2
Description (Open a ticket before you pay)
- All optimized
- All Non Branded
- Lore Friendly
- 19 Clothing Pack
- 3.500+ Clothing Asset
- 900mb Value
- 0 CMD Warnings!
- The total price for purchasing the packages individually within the bundle: €274 (with taxes a lot more)
- 5. Year Discount: -74€
- Buld Purchase Discount: -50€
- The total price for 19 packages when purchased as a bundle in tebex: €150+taxes
- You can open a ticket for discount and more information about this pack!
- If you bought this pack from Tebex you need to open a ticket for getting the files of it!
- Preview : contact for test server!
- Join Discord :https://discord.gg/G9Cv2QMgQs